Wednesday, March 5, 2008

UPDATE: So Much for the Mariachi Band

Not even the joyous Mariachi video urging the Hispanic community to "get out and vote for Obama" could push him to close out Hillary and get the democratic nomination. The former First Lady has now won Ohio and Rhode Island to stay alive. Texas remained too close to call at the penning of this update, but Clinton held a slight lead. It looks like these democrats will continue to battle each other as the speed towards convention time. Goody, goody.

This all bodes well for Republican candidate John McCain, who clinched the nomination this evening. He can focus on unifying a party splintered more than the wood pile outside Paul Bunyan's house. If he doesn't keel over first.

Why is it that I feel that the best candidate for the highest office in the land remains anonymous? Probably because the job doesn't pay that well for the baloney you have to swallow.

It looks like 6 more months or political Oscar Meyer. Ugh.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I always wonder if the person best equipped for the job might just be too smart to want it.